Sustainable Wealth Management

Sustainable Wealth Management is a division of Momentous Wealth Management. If you’ve been around a bit, you’ve heard about our Sustainable Wealth Management work before—we’ve been at this since 2004!

When you choose to be a Sustainable Wealth Management client, you receive every service you would receive as a traditional Momentous Wealth Management client but with a sustainable twist. All of our Sustainable Wealth Management clients have chosen to have all of their investments run through an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) filter. So, what does that mean?

ESG Investing

ESG investing is an investment strategy that seeks to match financial investments with companies that have strong environmental, social, and/or corporate governance track records. Put simply, it allows individuals to align their finances with their values.

ESG investing means different things for different people—we can completely customize your investments to align with your values! Whatever your values are, we can create an investment portfolio that fits with your financial needs and your individual values. Whether it’s investing only in environmentally conscious companies, those committed to social justice, or paying attention to ethical corporate governance, you have control over where your dollar goes.

Sustainable Wealth Management Client Services

Keeping up with your finances can feel overwhelming. That’s where we come in. Our core services are tax planning, estate planning, financial planning, and investment management. Have other needs? We can likely handle those too! The best part of working with the Sustainable Wealth Management Team is the sound sleep you’ll get knowing that your finances are being handled in a way that aligns with your values by a team of experts. So dream big and know that we have your back!

What To Expect

Every client’s needs and goals look a little different. Here’s what you can expect as an established Sustainable Wealth Management client.

  • The birds are chirping and it’s time for the first of our semi-annual check-ins!

    We’ll meet in person or virtually (whichever you prefer!) for a detailed review and update of your financial plan.

    We’ll go over your portfolio performance and outlook as well as any financial planning or estate planning issues and updates.

  • It’s now dark outside at 4 pm and a good time to reflect on goals and plan for tax season!

    We’ll review your Sustainable Wealth Management Tax Planning checklist to make sure you are taking advantage of everything you can.

    We’ll work on a detailed investment update and portfolio review.

  • Something came up? Call us anytime to talk through changes, ask a question, or check in on your portfolio. Catching up with clients is the best part of our day. In-between our regularly scheduled meetings you can also expect:

    Quarterly Client Webinar: We’ll discuss current happenings in markets and the economy as well as any adjustments we are making to portfolios.

    Access to the Sustainable Wealth Management Client Portal: Not to brag but we have a pretty cool client portal on our site. Access it anytime for a quick view of your portfolio and progress toward your financial goals.